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Choosing A Life Coaching Program

Why do so many self help, positive thinking and motivational seminars, books and audios not work, and what can I do that will work for me? Some of the things that need to be considered in any realistic and effective life manifestation program are: The person or people providing the training, mentoring, and/or coaching need to be masters of their own philosophies and living proof that the lessons being taught do actually work. They need to be providing the information as part of their own ongoing self manifestation. If these important factors are covered then that’s a good place to start. These things are obviously very important, but I’d like you to consider the following: Below are my thoughts on the first thing to consider, and what can be done to help ensure successful life manifestation. Does the program cater for the individual? We are all products of our genetic make up and social conditioning, that’s why we are where we are now, getting through life by reacting to our surroundin...
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Action. Ideas. Motivation.

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A Teen Life Coach on the College Homesick Blues

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A Motivation Theory To Try Right Now

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